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Dismantling the FDIC Would Undermine a Fragile Banking System

My latest article, co-authored with Cornelius Hurley, was published today in Bloomberg Law. While we agree that U.S. banking regulation is in dire need of serious reform, we caution against speculation that the administration might cut the FDIC. As a former Chairman of the FDIC and, in Con’s case, a former Director of an FHLB, our long careers have helped us understand what works and what doesn’t in regulation. While the FDIC provides a vital service to American banking, we would advise the new administration to look at cutting a different entity: the FHLB system. Our article compares the historical context and present-day usefulness of these two bodies, and recommends a path forward.

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Trimming outdated bank regulation is a good idea that won’t be easy 

My latest article in The Hill, coauthored with my good friend Tom Vartanian, offers guidance as the incoming Trump administration promises to modernize banking regulation. Regulation must become smarter, the number of federal financial regulators should be consolidated, and the roles of the FDIC and Federal Reserve should be refocused.

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“An unseen financial threat looms before Trump and his Treasury” by Tom Vartanian

The next presidential administration will need to appoint competent leaders with innovative ideas for how to regulate the financial services industry, including banks and non-banks. Recent turbulence has demonstrated that our current regulatory system is no match for social media, cryptocurrency, and AI.

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“The Federal Reserve Lacks the ‘Earnings’ With Which Legally To Fund the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau” by Alex Pollock

Alex Pollock published an important column in the NY Sun: “The central bank is in circumstances that the authors of Dodd-Frank failed to anticipate — it’s been operating at a loss.”

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Isaac Proposes Overhaul of U.S. Bank Regulation & Deposit Insurance

William Isaac has released a new white paper on much-needed reforms for U.S. bank regulation and deposit insurance. The paper, “It’s Broken, So Let’s Fix It” uses Mr. Isaac’s decades of experience in banking and regulation to make recommendations on accounting rules, regulatory oversight, deposit insurance reform, and better and more effective US-centric capital rules.

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“A value-added tax is one solution to the crippling debt problem” by Peter Tanous

My good friend, Peter Tanous, has written a thoughtful article for CNBC on the necessity of the U.S. joining most of the rest of the world in adopting a Value Added Tax as a critically important step toward significantly reducing our dangerously out of control debt problems. I believe firmly that we must also reduce senseless Federal spending but, realistically, that alone will not do the job. We will also need a reasonable and fair way to increase Federal revenues. It’s time for the VAT tax coupled with a substantial reduction in wasteful Federal spending.

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“About That 3 Percent GDP Growth” by Larry Kudlow

Larry Kudlow’s opinion in the NY Sun regarding the 3+% GDP growth announced by the U.S. government this past week. Unfortunately for those celebrating this event – particularly those in the White House – the bad news, as Kudlow notes, is that all of the growth is attributable to massive deficit spending by the government, which will not have a happy ending for consumers, businesses, and taxpayers.

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“How Will We Survive the ‘Deluge of Debt’?” by the New York Sun

I urge you to read the New York Sun editorial titled “How Will We Survive the ‘Deluge of Debt’?”. We all know and talk about the mountain of debt that exists not only in the in the United State but throughout the world. It was my incredible honor, as Chairman of the FDIC, to work side by side with the legendary central banker now deceased, Paul A. Volcker, from 1978 when he was appointed by President Carter as Chairman of the Federal Reserve.

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The FDIC Under a Microscope

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation is in the hotseat following the Wall Street Journal’s report of sexual harassment issues at the agency. Incidents of this nature tarnish the reputation of an agency that has brought so much comfort and financial security to the citizens of our great nation. The FDIC is a proud and extraordinary organization working…

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