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“A value-added tax is one solution to the crippling debt problem” by Peter Tanous

My good friend, Peter Tanous, has written a thoughtful article for CNBC on the necessity of the U.S. joining most of the rest of the world in adopting a Value Added Tax as a critically important step toward significantly reducing our dangerously out of control debt problems. I believe firmly that we must also reduce senseless Federal spending but, realistically, that alone will not do the job. We will also need a reasonable and fair way to increase Federal revenues. It’s time for the VAT tax coupled with a substantial reduction in wasteful Federal spending.

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“About That 3 Percent GDP Growth” by Larry Kudlow

Larry Kudlow’s opinion in the NY Sun regarding the 3+% GDP growth announced by the U.S. government this past week. Unfortunately for those celebrating this event – particularly those in the White House – the bad news, as Kudlow notes, is that all of the growth is attributable to massive deficit spending by the government, which will not have a happy ending for consumers, businesses, and taxpayers.

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“How Will We Survive the ‘Deluge of Debt’?” by the New York Sun

I urge you to read the New York Sun editorial titled “How Will We Survive the ‘Deluge of Debt’?”. We all know and talk about the mountain of debt that exists not only in the in the United State but throughout the world. It was my incredible honor, as Chairman of the FDIC, to work side by side with the legendary central banker now deceased, Paul A. Volcker, from 1978 when he was appointed by President Carter as Chairman of the Federal Reserve.

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The FDIC Under a Microscope

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation is in the hotseat following the Wall Street Journal’s report of sexual harassment issues at the agency. Incidents of this nature tarnish the reputation of an agency that has brought so much comfort and financial security to the citizens of our great nation. The FDIC is a proud and extraordinary organization working…

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Bloomberg Markets “The Close”: Proposed Capital Rules

Regulators have been acting in an ad-hoc manner, albeit in good faith, for over six decades (including during the period when I was Chairman of the FDIC). This unending practice of bailouts of large banks and large depositors must end––now.

I urge Congress and the regulators to develop a plan to reform the deposit insurance system to end bailing out the largest depositors when banks fail.

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“Time To Rein in a Runaway Federal Reserve That Took Congress for Granted” by Alex Pollock

My good friend, Alex Pollock, wrote a recent article for the New York Sun that I highly recommend every concerned citizen read about the manner in which the Federal Reserve has been handling monetary policy in recent decades and the need for its policies to be overseen, perhaps by a special bi-partisan Congressional oversight committee.…

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Reagan Institute “Reaganism” Podcast

It was an enormous pleasure to join host Roger Zakheim, Director of the Reagan Institute, in a nearly hour-long conversation, covering the ongoing federal budget and debt crisis and the role that the FDIC plays in protecting American’s financial security. I urge you to set aside the time to listen intently to this extremely timely and important topic. Our nation’s future is clearly on the line.

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“The Fed’s Capital Goes Negative” by Alex Pollock

My friend, Alex Pollock, Senior Fellow of the Mises Institute, published a disturbing but important article in the New York Sun on Friday. It shows graphically how destructive our fiscal and monetary policies have been over the past two decades. These policies began with massive deficit spending by Congress, approved by the last four Presidents.…

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“The U.S. Needs Economic Regime Change” by Kevin Warsh

I recommend a recent Wall Street Journal article by Kevin Warsh, former Governor of the Federal Reserve and a Visiting Fellow at the Hoover Institution. Kevin’s intelligent and heartfelt piece discusses the Federal Reserve’s failed experiment in monetary policy which began a little over 20 years ago. It has been an abject failure, particularly when…

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